SEC Issues Warning on Coronavirus Investment Scams

The Securities and Exchange Commission is urging investors to be on the lookout for investment frauds related to the coronavirus, as the agency has spotted what looks to be such scams via internet and social media promotions. The agency’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy released an Investor Alert on Wednesday warning about investment frauds…

Social Security Phone Scams on the Rise

In the past week, I have received more than a dozen phony calls on my cell phone warning me about “suspicious activity” in my Social Security account and threatening to cut off my benefits if I don’t return the call. Luckily, I know they’re fake calls and I just hang up, but thousands of vulnerable…

Alicia Munnell’s Social Security Bridge v. Annuities Income Planning Smackdown

More U.S. retirement savers should probably buy ordinary annuities before they retire, but they don’t, and policymakers need to come up with an alternative, according to Alicia Munnell, a top academic retirement policy researcher. Munnell — director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College — says she thinks promoting use of “Social Security bridge” arrangements may be…